Life Art and Story Medicine
A practice • An exploration • A path • A gift

When you commit, the path begins to clear and once there is clarity, you begin to do and embrace the things that are true and meaningful: the things you love. These deeply fulfilling discoveries lift the heart, empower and bring joy. Life Art and Story Medicine offers tools for transformation: and transformation is what we do, together.

We are creators...weaving our story within stories of history. The stitching melds a deeper meaning, integration and foundation—through activities and truth-seeking. Embracing several modalities, we define and support your journey. It is powerful to embrace a unique journey. It is powerful to live in a deep, synergistic harmony.

Claim your path • Live in Alignment

I invite you to join me in a journey of discovery, connection, fulfillment and curious seeking.

What is Life Art & Story Medicine
Life Art and Story Medicine (the course) provides a mystical, wonderful and rewarding experience where imagination and energy provide personal clarity and vibrancy. It’s a journey—finding connection through discovery and relationship in weekly practice. As the program unfurls, you discover your “personal combination of tools, ideas and practices” which support and help you feel directed, purposeful and empowered. Really, this is about defining your relationship with life and medicinal Life Story.

poetry • art • journeying • journaling • oracle • craft • counsel • chronicle 

...The right brain speaks the language of metaphor; its voice is the imagination. That’s where story medicine comes in.” 
— Juliet Bruce

Essence of the Program: Spiritual Accountability with Tangible Reward 
This program is about a commitment to self with the willingness, freedom and/or desire to allot time and space for expansion and growth—weekly, monthly and throughout the year. In this, we use a journal/calendar, and you are the focus of your journal/calendar. 

“Absorb what is useful, discard what is not: add what is uniquely your own.”—B.L.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating (and honoring)... you.”—G.B.S

Details: One day at a time, one gift discovered…and another...”
We humans have weaved for centuries: beautiful patterns, textures and things that captivate, motivate, resonate, soothe and keep us whole. Here, we do the same—the purpose of our “loom” is to discover your personal “story.” Practicing activities and tasting modalities, we move closer toward that which is truly fulfilling, rewarding and in good keeping with your personal journey in this lifetime. 

In our time, we will work with a variety of gentle and powerful tools, techniques and modalities to support you, while remaining accountable to process and manifestation, every day. We identify goals and missions to help keep energized and focused—essential elements in the overall adventure and celebration of life. Each moment provides an opportunity to refresh, reveal and manifest—to live purposefully in strength, truth and beauty.

“And everything else gets better because of it.”

Our Work Together Includes:
Defining Your Story: Digging deep and sifting. Working with Archetypes. Casual exchange counsel.
Journal Work and Calendar Creation: This calendar/journal is for you; the commitments are to self. Keeps you accountable to you. Because what we need most often ends up happening last (or not at all), this practice makes it so you ultimately feel better and more fulfilled.
Story Medicine: Using the language of metaphor and the voice of imagination, we reveal lessons, paths and devotions.
Dream Work: Keeping a Dream Journal can cast light on those things we need to process and understand. We look for patterns, meaning and messages. 
Artwork and Craft: We do art projects and specific activities that use paper, scissors, inks and stones. Some are psychological in nature...some are just for fun.
Herb Work, Personal “Medicine”, and the Garden: Learning to take care of yourself with plants and herbs—and capturing the potential in your kitchen—is completely and totally empowering.  Also pop into spell-crafting and herbs as magic.
Wheel of the Year Connection: Connecting with the seasons and more ancient rituals keeps us woven into the fabric of life: Nature is all around us—and we depend upon it. Growing relationship this way builds a profound sense of belonging, awe, celebration and honor.
Journey Work, Visualization: The unconscious is often our guide. 
Meditation, Nature and Ritual: These practices calm and ground—enhance relationship and support a meaningful life.
Oracle and Tarot: We use Oracle for grounding, pause, consideration, inspiration and aspiration. We use Tarot as a tool to tap into our intuition and unconscious.
Astrology for Everyday: Having familiarity with our birth chart helps us to better understand ourselves (patterns, habits, potentials, obstacles).
Crystals and Gemstones: The particular energies of specific crystals are a powerful companion for many. We will learn a bit—and explore grid-making. 
Patron(esse)s and Archetypes: Mythology is wonderful and inspirational. We use Patron(esse)s and Archetypes to bring clarity, guide, empower and inspire. Here, we find the great lessons. 
Special Icons, Objects or Talismans: Creating visuals or “rituals” that support us—and reminds us of our hopes and desires.

We are all seeds of creation working in relationship. We are all different, unique and beautiful seeds—in the process of blooming as we should…in our own particular way. 

A journal and/or calendar, tarot and/or oracle deck. Humor. Heart. Your best effort. 
The Program is 6- or 12-Months and includes: weekly meetings, prompts, homework and inspiration.
Cost: Approximately $50/meeting: 6 months @ $1,300.00, 12 months @ $2,600.00

“I just wanted to send a HUGE thank you to you. Our sessions were incredibly moving and inspiring and just what I needed! Thank you so so much!.”


When you commit, the path begins to clear and once there is clarity, you begin to do and embrace the things that are true and meaningful: the things you love. These deeply fulfilling discoveries lift the heart, empower and bring joy. Life Art and Story Medicine offers tools for transformation: and transformation is what we do, together.